What is the AXA Chair’s Research Programme?


The AXA Chair’s Research fields are:

  • Flow of Funds: Identifying mega trends
  • Bank Risk and Regulatory Architecture
  • Inclusive Finance and Growth

The scientific aims of the research programme will provide a step enhancement on Murinde’s earlier work in at least three main dimensions:

  • Introduce dynamics and uncertainty to a static flow-of-funds framework, to investigate mega trends in global finance and risk, given evolving competitiveness, institutional change and technological innovations
  • Build large datasets and apply new developments in econometrics to research bank behaviour in the evolving global financial regulation
  • Track megatrends and model their impact on global financial systems

The potential outputs, for academia and society, will include:

  • Articles published in top-rated journals
  • Large datasets, real time indicators, forecasts and simulations, and policy/practitioner briefs, on emerging mega trends
  • Evidence for new financial products and instruments (e.g., from RCT).
  • Annual conference and flagship report, Mega Trends in Global Finance and Risk. How will the Chair’s research programme make a step change in existing research