Forthcoming new book: Inclusive Financial Development

Edited by
Ahmad Hassan Ahmad, Loughborough University
David T. Llewellyn, Loughborough University
Victor Murinde, SOAS University of London

Published by
Edward Elgar Publishing 2021

Inclusive Financial Development 2021 Book Cover.png

The volume on Inclusive Financial Development, edited by Ahmad, Llewellyn and Murinde and forthcoming this year from Edward Elgar Publishing, provides theoretical and empirical analyses of the nature of financial inclusion. The contributing authors explore the impediments to inclusion that exist around the world, the macro and stability implications, and the regulation dimension.

With contributions from distinguished researchers, this book covers the main analytical and empirical issues in financial inclusion and its role in economic development. Chapters present a wide range of case studies illustrating topics such as mobile money, financial liberalization and bank efficiency, as well as highlighting the costs associated with financial exclusion and the various policy and regulatory measures that have been applied to lower the barriers to inclusion.

Offering a comprehensive exploration of financial inclusion and its impediments, this important book will be welcomed by students, researchers and policy makers interested in economic development and financial regulation.